

"Allah's plan is always better,"

I stumbled upon this quote this morning. 
Usually, I'd tell myself "Yes, it is.",
And scrolled more without having a second thought on the message.
But this morning, the air was unusually cold. 
My thought sent me back to the past. 

People will try to understand, and my loved ones I guess do understand.
But no one can feel it as deeply as I do. 
No one has ever felt it, more than I did.

I felt you in those beautiful months. 
And my dear, please know I cherished you and you're my most precious prize possession. 
And a part of me was taken away, as you went away too soon. 
I moved on through the days without you, and tears dried up, little by little, time by time, with you on my mind. 

And today I came across the quote. 

It kills me every time I see someone in your age. 
Hoping I'd get to see you run around and hug my legs with your warm little hands. 
Wishing I'd get to see my man carry you around and me kissing your cheeks. 

But Allah's plan is always better. 
And He is the All-Knowing. He knows what is best for me.
And I have to trust Him. I have to have faith in His plan. 
It is the biggest test for me, losing you, 
But Allah will give me something bigger, something better,
Something that is the best for me, 
His little servant, with so many flaws, 
Yet He still loves me more than anyone could have ever done. 

He is, giving me all the good things in life. 
So many good things, so many blessings.


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