The Feels


Now I am missing you.

You looked up and saw those towels hanging from the green hookers,
You knew tomorrow they would be dry, just like tonight.
You sat on the edge of the bed, the space became a little bit wider,
You knew tomorrow it would be the same, just like tonight.

I looked up and the windows existed behind me, just like always,
I would grab the white towel, which wouldn't turn into a soft blue no more, just like always.
I would have to walk more, the washroom was a little bit far away now, just like always.

We didn't spend much time together, yet I still enjoyed the moment I came to your mom's call,
It's either to refill the pengat or kerabu mangga,
Or have some more food for myself.

Yet I still enjoyed the moment I looked at you and hoped I could sit next to you.

Yet I still enjoyed the moment we talked and laughed before midnights,
Just to catch up with one another for a bit.

I still enjoyed the short trip in your father's car, holding your warm hands.

I miss you. Tonight, and always.


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