

Having you around has always been nice. 
In fact, it is extremely nice and warm. 
It chases away the coldness I feel from the rest of the days, 
It brings in the completion of my needs and everything seems to fall into places.
Seeing you near me is satisfying.

You have always told me to change and move on. 
Step forward and leave the rotten pages of the storybook behind, step more and please be fast. 
I don't know whether the weak me annoys you or you want me to feel good, no more blood and tears but,
I know you mean good and no harm at all.
The moment I broke down before your very own eyes, the look on your face showed me your endless care and concern. 
I felt good in the sadness they unknowingly brought to me. 
I felt good because I knew I would always have you inshaallah. 

The words you wrote without a single hint of who the patient was, 
If they were for me, I really cherished them. 
I knew you would care, but to write and express it, I felt touched. 
I felt touched in the broken pieces they unknowingly made.

Thank you so much for the space and time. 
Thank you so much for the care and love. 
Thank you. 


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