Good Goodbye 2#


"Little time, not a moment wasted with you,"

It could be concluded as something so brief so short.
But the ache felt like longer than ever. Bet it would stay here for a while.
While people said time heals so I let it be.
So I let it be.

Rewinding the tapes of past,
It would be so good if it stayed the way it was.
While people said turning back time could repair the mistakes,
But we knew it could never be true, so I let it be.
So I let it be.

Looking at the back of your head,
It wasn't straight but never turned this way,
While people were standing and some were chilling at the seats,
It seemed like it was natural for you to behave that way, to never look at your back,
To notice what's behind it, to know that it was me so I let it be.
So I let it be.

I had always let it be the way it was, and hoped I could set me free. 

Not a moment had I wasted,
But every inside of me I had had was all wasted.

The sky was painted grey,
Melancholy descended on me,
Taylor's songs on repeat,
Tell me, how to not make it delayed?

So I told myself it's time for goodbye, make it lillahitaala,
But we had already said our goodbyes,
So I am going to be fine.

I am going to be fine.


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