No Words


I was never a knight in shining armour,
Never wanted to be one,
But even so, it felt nice to be a help of someone,
I'd like to be there for you, even if I was nobody.

I was never a spotlight,
Didn't want one,
It wasn't your attention that I needed,
It was you to be safe and sound, always,
Whenever and wherever you are.

I didn't need you to look at my way,
It wasn't your time and care,
It was you to keep walking and getting up,
No matter what was ahead of you.

I told myself if I really did care because I wanted to,
Then everything should be okay.
Even a 'thank you' wouldn't be needed.

I wanted it to be sincere, yesterday, now, tomorrow and always.

I didn't want to tie you up,
I just wanted you to be fine.


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