

I said,

In those sudden promises,
And the cold room,
I will remember the night,
And who I was before.
And the days afterwards.

In the sweet taste of those chewing gums,
And the pink bottle,
I will be choosing the same one,
Prefer to not change a thing.
For a reason.

In the sweetness of the strawberry snow,
And the original along with the melting sugar,
It has always been my favourite.
And now it becomes my number one.

In the scent of loneliness,
And the same old room,
I could still feel the tiredness, and the heavy chest.
And that one bright smile.
And the cold looks.

And in confusion, I will remember how easy it was.
For me to decide and to change my mind.
For me to look at you in the eyes.

I will remember how simple I was before,
And how things were,
Before the hurricane.


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