Thick and Thin


"It's okay if people don't appreciate us,"
"We don't have to be like them,"
"Always be the one who knows how to appreciate others,"

Sometimes you hope for others to feel the same as you,
You expect them to give back the same energy as you.
And it hurts when it all turns out to be different in the end.

You could always go far for that one person,
But you should never, let yourself expect the same in return.
Just do whatever you think can benefit them, without any expectation.
But somehow I think it has something to do with our intention.

If we are sincere enough in our doings, we wouldn't be expecting things in return.
But as a human being, it's only natural to do it.
It's in our nature; expectations.

I don't really have the right to complain when at times I let myself to choose who to appreciate,
And who to let go.
Not everything matters as some certain things.
Does it?

It feels wrong. But the truth will always prevail in the end.
You can't make yourself feel what you don't.
You can't make yourself do what's against your blood flow.
Well, you can, but someone somewhere will have to bear the consequences.

But not everything you think is good for you, is really good for you.
And not everything that you think is bad, is really bad.

I don't know. I tell myself to help her by thinking straight, and do what you think is right.
What you think is good, for you and others, and all should be lillahitaala.

But somehow, it would feel good if you are also willing,
To go far for me.

"This is the way I am,"
"Take it or leave it,"
"If you do love me, you can bear with it,"

I hope for myself to be able to realise my mistakes, and what are the things in me that I really need to change. I can't go to people and tell them to accept me the way I am, knowing that something in me is really wrong and will tire them out.
Not everyone will stick around forever. Some will surely get tired.
I hope I can be someone who can force herself to change for the better, to do some real thing, to have a real effort, to let them stay.

Effort; it should a two-way thing.

"Thought you'd be there through thick and thin," 


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