Daylight 2#


You're the simpler version of creamy carbonara I've been craving for.
Could never get tired of its expensive taste.
And I can always find it any time at the back of my minimalist kitchen.
The space for you, my spiced creamy carbonara, will always be there.
Because I want it to. 

You're the random people on the street. 
In the crowds of beings on the land and in the sea.
You stand and blend in, just like me. 
But you got your own place in my heart.
It sits in every beat, it rushed every single drop of adrenaline I sometimes subconsciously give in to, 
From the first second I knew it's too late for me to run.

You're the ordinary type of chocojar.
But my all-time favourite callebaut.
You're the usual face of peach strudles in the fridge,
But forever my Kenny Hills' beautiful peach strudles I've been longing for.

You're no actors or singers, 
But you're the ultimate masterpiece in my eyes. 
You got me running in a circle but now it's my favourite track. 
You got me mad because I'm always madly infatuated with you. 

You're the smell of caramel, sweet-like-berry, and I love your usual scent from your perfume. 
You're the perfect build I always love looking at,
The weird laugh I always love to hear,
The funny uncle at the nearby childhood warung, but you're young and will always be my peterpan.

But I don't wanna be your grown-up wendy,
Or your tinkerbell.
I just wanna be your forever,
Your sole lover,
Your only precious being in the form of myself,
Whom you call mine, and I call yours.


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