TS - Paper Rings


It's been ages, cliche I would say.
But yes, it's been months since the last entry.
And in the missing months, life's been bustling since 2015.

Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah The Almighty,
For my life has been blessed with the presence of my beloved,
Family, friends, and the newest update; a husband. 

It was a roller coaster ride with you sayang. 
And referring to the Malay's saying, I'd rather set up the tent beside the sandy part of the earth,
And smell oceans every day, if that is what it takes to hold you in my arms. 
I am in love with the best, and I hope you feel the same.
And I hope this marriage will bring us closer to The Ultimate Owner of Love,
Pemilik cinta yang hakiki; our creator, Allah SWT.


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